Friday, December 17, 2010

"Red" Rocked

Though I haven't had the chance to read the original graphic novels, I must say that Red was an action packed movie that delivers shot after shot of heart stopping excitement. The film starts of with Willis, playing an aging retiree trying to flirt with Showtime's Weeds actor Mary Louise-Parker, who is his pension agent. From here the movie takes off with action that leaves your head spinning and doesn't stop until the end. At times the action was so intense many became audible with excitement. Seeing Willis in this role brings out his inner bad-ass. This role is typical Willis including arm breaking, and amazing gun play. Also making an appearance was Morgan Freeman as a fellow former agent. Though not one of his best supporting actor roles he still has a lot to bring to the table. We see the craziness which is John Malkovich show up as an ultra paranoid naysayer who delivers great comic relief. The last agent who rounds off the team is the lovely Helen Mirren. She is able to look sexy, while being old enough to have grand kids, and not to mention she is the one with the deadliest aim. The cast is speckled with great supporting actors like X-men 2's Stryker, actor Brian Cox portrays a strong Russian who has a suave and debonair side. Seeing Mary Louis-Parker step onto the big screen was a nice change of pace yet her character seemed a little obnoxious at times, she delivers a mostly convincing role. Overall this is a movie that if you haven't seen you should he running to the nearest theater to do so.

Final Grade: A

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